Sunday, October 6, 2019


This  was to be the book which contained my cosmic poetry
of which there seems to be a sufficient amount of which
could comprise a decent sized, solid enough book.
Should the book include essays and considering
I've penned just enough of them on the subject
including but not limited to my ruminations on
artificial intelligence and its impact on the singularity
and what that means to us normal everyday people
that it seems safe to say it should have both in it.

the question remains:  should they be separated and
which would be showcased first, the one or the other?
Once this question is absolved by the book itself only
then will we know whether the editors went with
interspersing the poems and essays throughout?

The question as to whether or not there's any art
to be represented within the scope of such an under
taking as this, I can only suggest that perhaps photographs
I've taken as well as scans of my own artwork
will always suffice as having come from my own hand.

We could be describing a two volume set, one of poems
and the other the accompanying essays.  I like that idea.